Friday, May 6, 2011

Rules for judicial elections

Yesterday was discussed the rules for judicial elections. As always, the opposition complained about everything it could. It complained about the form of legislative debate. It complained about the terms of legislative debate. And, as always, too, demanded political consensus.

Childish doubt: isn't it better that the opposition is bent more on building political majorities to control the legislative process? So diminished and cornered is that it is incapable of doing this work, which is the most basic of democratic politics?

The sad thing is that opposition will complain anyway about government's political "rodillo" (roll), about that government uses it the most despotic form it could, about totalitarianism here, authoritarianism there, and all president's and indigenous' cursed ancestors yonder...

Few times Bolivia had the chance to see an opposition as mediocre as the present one: it's useless to articulate forces, but champion to complain and disqualify...


Anonymous said...


Vimos su sitio, nos pareciĆ³ muy interesante.

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Luis Francisco Valle Velasco said...

To find a translation to English of the New Constitution; the Law Against Racism and any Form of Discrimination; and the Law Against Corruption, Illicit Enrichment and Investigation of Fortunes "Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz", of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, follow this link: Essential Laws of The Bolivian Revolution This 196 page publication in English presents the three fundamental laws that hold together the Government policy of Evo Morales.